Happy Memorial Day everyone!!!
Today I am remembering my dad. (1/15/2006) The hardest day of my life… I had just returned from Phoenix (marathon) and he picked me up at the airport. He dropped me off and that was the last time I saw him alive. What a loss for me and those who knew him. I have never seen so many people cry at a funeral in my life. My dad was such an outdoorsman, hunter, fisherman, you name it and he could do it. He had just retired at 63 and I had given him a spear for Christmas. We were going to try it out the following weekend. My dad loved to watch me spear. He would sit and watch and we would talk about life and the world. He loved to deer hunt and bear hunt. And I loved to sit with him in the woods. He got a 450 lb. black bear the fall before he died. It hangs on my mom’s wall and will eventually hang on mine. I have his hunting bows and arrows and his favorite cologne. As corny as it sounds… I love to sit with his bow and arrow when I miss him and smell that cologne… My dad touched the lives of everyone he met. He would stop on the side of the road and help strangers in need and give anyone whatever they needed if he had it. He was the definition of generosity. I am so lucky to have had such an awesome man in my life. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. So how about for today you think about the special people in your life and let them know how much you love them? Remember those loved ones that you have lost and be grateful that you had them as long as you did. Dont forget about military men and women and those who have died in battle. We are free to enjoy our bbq and families today because of them. Live Life * Love Life