Woo hoo!  I am thinking about spearfishing, darkhouses, big fat northern pike and how much I miss being on the lake.  I am enjoying my summer but I am also looking forward to winter.  Something about getting up at 4 AM in the freezing cold and getting the house set up by sunrise.  Turn on the heater, pour the first cup of coffee, add a little Bailey’s Irish Cream and I am all set.  Drop the decoy and minnow and wait for the action.  There is an interesting life under the ice… A life that only a darkhouse dweller can see.  Fish definitely are creatures of habit.  As the sun rises first the minnows swim back into the safety of the weeds.  The curious sunfish swim over to snoop at the decoy and tease the minnow.  The crappies and walleyes swim along the bottom without a care in the world.  Start jigging the decoy or a small spoon and the bass and rainbows swim in fast to take a look.  The northern pike are a much more interesting breed. They are straight forward predators.  The males swim fast and are uneasy as they approach the food source.  The females swim with a purpose and mean business.  They are hungry and ready to attack.  They are not afraid of a little minnow and they go after what they want with one thing in mind.  Breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  I dream of that underwater magic and look forward to winter.

If you haven’t tried darkhouse spearing you should.  It is a very interesting experience.  Time to get to work and earn money to pay for a new spearhouse this winter.   Think about your dreams and do whatever it takes to pursue them.  Live your life and love your life.  Have a great day!
