Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am thinking about all of the wonderful blessings I have in my life. I have a wonderful family and rock solid friends. I have this website that I can share my love of the outdoors and spearfishing with you.

It is 21 degrees and I am waiting for the ice to get thick enough to get out and spear fish! We are traveling to mom’s for Thanksgiving dinner and had planned to head to Baudette for 1st ice spearing with decoy carver Gary Hull. Unfortunately the 12 inches of snow has not allowed the ice to get thick enough. I may end up postponing the trip until next weekend. At any rate, I will be fishing very soon.

Send in your Thanksgiving photos and tell me what you are thankful for. Live life *Love Life and always remember to share your heart and love others. Take care… Tammy

Family Time

Aiden - I love Sweet Potatoes and Cranberries!!!

Greg, adriana and Aiden - Nap Time!!!!