Hello Everyone!  How exciting.  15 degrees this morning in International Falls, MN.  You have to love it!!!  I am excited because that means Rainy River is getting cold fast… And we all know what that means… EARLY ICE!!!!  Looks like it is a good possibility that I will be spear fishing really soon.

I am heading up to Williams this weekend for the opener.  I am packed and ready to go hunting with my northerngirl Lee Ann.  That little peanut can catch walleyes, shoot and guide for bear and gut a deer.  I am hunting for any nice tasty venison and she is waiting out the big buck…  I have not shot a rifle in many years.  I have not deer hunted in 10 years.  Oh well.. It is never too late to start again.

What adventures are you pursuing this weekend?  November is a full month for me.  Rock-a-billy Dave is celebrating his 50th birthday party next weekend.  His band and two others are playing for his party at “The Underground”…   Park Rapids Decoy show is the 19th, Thanksgiving is the 24th, and Grand Rapids decoy show is the 26th.   I am judging Park Rapids and Grand Rapids.  I am very excited to see all of your new decoys and artwork. 

This is going to be a great season.  Have a great weekend. 
