Hello Everyone!!! I think the dark cloud has lifted. I am sure meeting some wonderful people that are enriching my life. It is so refreshing to be around people that have a zest for life and motivation to live their lives with passion. I know who I am and I know where I am going. And I want to go there with postive minded, honest, caring people.
Life is what you make of it. Life is meant to be lived with passion and excitement. I want everyday to be an adventure!!! A NorthernGirl adventure! I really want your photo’s of any big deer, bear or birds you shoot. Send me your fish stories and photos! Send me your greatest recipes. Remember this web site is for you and I to share our love of the great outdoors.
Tell me about any great equipment or gear you have purchased… Thank you CK (Crappie Keith) for the awesome recommendation on the Strikemaster Electric Lazer. I also purchased the Marcom underwater camera you told me about in August. I plan to try it out Friday. I am SOOOO excited!
If you are interested in attending the NFDA decoy carving shows please see the web site for dates and times…
I will be judging the next few shows and look forward to seeing you there. A little birdie tells me that Gary Hull will have decoys for sale. They always sell out!!!! So plan to be there early!
I will give you an update if I have any luck on Lake “X” on Friday. Until we blog again, have a blessed week. Be good to your spouse/significant other.. Spend a little extra quality time with your kids. Remember 2011 is about changing just a few little things that will enrich your life in a big way!
Love to you all!
Live Life – Love Life