Hello Everyone! Did you have a nice Father’s Day? I went out to the cemetery and put roses on all the graves. My grandparents (both sets) and father and my cousin Shawn are all buried in the same section of the cemetery. I think my father has the perfect headstone. He was such a hunter and outdoorsman that my mom thought a Giant Buck etching was really appropriate to memorialize my dad. Her side is ready as well… showing her love of nature and gardening. They have a heart in the middle showing their wedding day. I think that is very sentimental and sweet considering mom and dad picked the headstone and designs several years before he died. My mom and dad were quite in love… I have memories of catching them making out in the kitchen. I am very blessed to have had great parents.
I have a little bad news… I am looking for a new artist to complete my T-shirt designs. We got close…. but couldn’t get them the way I wanted, so I have to find a new artist. Sorry to disappoint… but I won’t put my name on art that isn’t EXACTLY what I want. I will keep you posted.
Have a great week!!!