Northerngirl's First decoy

How exciting is this???  Carver Carl Harris designed this beautiful decoy just for me.  I am very pleased because I gave Carl very little direction.. My only comments were “make it look like a real fish with greens and hot pink accents”.  Well done Carl… Thank you so much. 

I am planning the design for my new spear house.  This year I am building a hard house so I can leave it on the lake.  I get tired of dragging my portable out everyday.    It will be so nice to drive out on the lake and start fishing with minimal set up.

OK… Now to the matters at hand.  It has rained 13 out of the last 15 days.  I dont care if it rains ALL weekend….   I am going FISHING!!!  I am determined… I will catch a walleye.  I also plan to fish for a big fat northern, so I can make my video demonstrating how to remove those pesky Y-bones.  And…. if I am lucky, I will get a few panfish too. 

Remember Sunday is Father’s Day so get out and enjoy your dad and CATCH FISH!

Live Life*Love Life
